Chorlton Traders

Chorlton Library

A representative from the One Chorlton project team (PJ Livesey, the Precinct redevelopers) will attend our November meeting. Richard will update us on the recent consultation, design principles, what happens next and likely timelines. There’ll be time for your questions too. As you’ll recall, Alan submitted a response in consultation with members. You can read it here –

We’ll have updates on Christmas plans – coming together fast – a lights switch-on and an appeal to shops and businesses do their bit by lighting up their own premises. After the year we’ve had, we need to do all we can to make the district centre look as attractive and festive as possible. 

We’ll also have the usual round-up of council and cycleway updates (is the end in sight?) and news from other members 

And after a long absence, we’re back in the library again!! 

Come and get all the news at Chorlton Library Meeting room on Thursday 2 November from 5.30pm.  Use the main library entrance. The Precinct will be first on the agenda, so please get there as soon as you’re able. 

If you do business in Chorlton, you’re welcome to come along. Feel free to share this link and invite trading neighbours if they’ll find this of interest. 

We hope to see you on Thursday. 

Alan and Steph

Co-chairs, Chorlton Traders

Our next meeting 

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