Accepting Chorlton Vouchers

Chorlton Vouchers are issued by Chorlton Traders (c/o 488 Wilbraham Road). The voucher scheme itself is non-profit: there is no mark-up on voucher sales and printing/security is funded by a grant from Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood Investment Fund. They are designed to keep customer spend in Chorlton shops and outlets, rather than online or elsewhere. They’re the closest we have to a Chorlton Pound scheme. 

The scheme is open to independent/small businesses based in M21. 

If you would like to accept Chorlton Vouchers from your customers, here’s what you need to know.

Accepting vouchers

  • Vouchers are available in £10 denominations only. Customers can use them in full or part-payment for goods and services. You can give change.
  • Vouchers are only valid with a number and a green Chorlton Traders stamp on the reverse.
  • Vouchers should be within their expiry date. We allow 12 months from the date of purchase, so it’s plenty of time for them to be redeemed.
  • You can treat the vouchers like an ordinary £10 note (unless you want to record them differently on your system – that’s up to you).

Redeeming vouchers

  • When customers tender vouchers for payment, keep them safe and contact us for reimbursement –
  • We will pay you for the return of genuine, valid, stamped and numbered vouchers. This service is free – we take no commission: £10 = £10!
  • If you’d rather, you can spend your voucher with a fellow accepting business – they remain valid for as many uses as their expiry dates allow.  We can keep them moving around the system. 

Why accept vouchers?

  • It’s been a terrible year for trade, with disruptions, congestion, rising costs and falling footfall. We need to work hard to encourage people to shop locally and promote Chorlton as a retail and leisure destination.
  • The more businesses join us, the better and more relevant the scheme will be 
  • For a limited period, you don’t need to be a member of Chorlton Traders to take part – though we would prefer that you join us. 
  • Chorlton Vouchers are a great gift idea for those who value their independent high streets and a vibrant district centre. 
  • They keep money local.
  • We will provide a point of sale / window sticker which tells customers they can spend their vouchers with you. 
  • We will list you as an accepting outlet on our website voucher page. 
  • There are already hundreds of vouchers in circulation – we sell them online and Unicorn give them as birthday gifts to all their staff – are you missing out?

Places that accepted the old vouchers. Awaiting reconfirmation.

The Bowling Green Chorlton

Brookburn Road, Chorlton M21 9ES – 0161 860 2800
A warm welcome, great food and a very decent pint at this community pub and B&B – right on the Green!

Chorlton Fireworks and Prestigious Pyrotechnics

350 Barlow Moor Rd, Chorlton M21 8AZ – 0161 881 3990
Fireworks sales and spectacular displays – make your special occasion go with a BANG!

Creative Recycling Gallery

40 Beech Road, Chorlton M21 9EL – 0161 881 4422
Art and gorgeous gifts, handmade from recycled materials. Art and craft courses and exhibitions.


500 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton M21 9AP – 0161 881 1117
Fabulous, family-friendly gourmet pizza restaurant. A veritable Chorlton institution.

Epicerie Ludo

46 Beech Road, Chorlton M21 9EG – 0161 861 0861
Beech Road’s grocer, wine merchant and deli, plus bespoke hamper service.

The House of Bystander

38 Beech Road, Chorlton M21 9EL – 0161 860 6699
A 500 sq ft art gallery. Buy art from the walls or the print shop (including limited edition Chorlton prints), plus framing service.