Precinct Hoardings Glow-up
New, colourful hoardings celebrate Chorlton’s unique independent retail scene and the people behind it.
Barlow Moor Road – resurfacing works
ICYMI – a letter from the council about resurfacing taking place in late July / early August 2024.
Rainbows in the Rain
We have worked to commission new street art for Chorlton, bringing colour to a grey day
Public Realm Consultation
Consultation time again! Have your say about possible improvements in areas of Chorlton’s District Centre and drop into consultation events too.
Councillors’ Cycleway Statement
Chorlton & Chorlton Park councillors issued this statement about the cycleway in February 2024.
One Chorlton’s Precinct Update
Alan Williams, our Co-Chair chased the One Chorlton team for a response to our consultation concerns and an update. Here’s what they said.
Foxy new street art
Traders have worked in partnership to deliver new street art – and we’re just getting started!
Chorlton Traders’ Precinct Consultation Response
Chorlton Traders have very serious concerns about the proposals. We’ve been through council committee minutes, the development framework and other documents to further assess what has been proposed in the wider context of the council’s stated ambitions for Chorlton. Below is our response, written by Alan Williams, in association with some of our partners.
One Chorlton??
Precinct developers PJ Livesey attended our meeting on 2 November. Here’s the detail behind what they say on their website. It’s important to have the full picture.
A Call-out for Street Artists
Chorlton Traders and Chorlton Voice are calling out for street artists to apply for commissions to decorate Chorlton’s on-street junction boxes.