Chorlton Traders

After MONTHS of roadworks in the district centre, the Council has just announced yet more for July 2023. 

Wilbraham Road is to be resurfaced, which will consist of removing the existing surface, adjusting the carriageway ironwork and laying a new surface. J Hopkins (Contractors) Ltd will be carrying out the work on behalf of the City Council. 

Phase 1 – Edge Lane to Barlow Moor Road


Works are due to commence on Monday 24 July, expected to take two weeks. Work will take place on site 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 5pm at weekends.

A one-way system will affect all traffic travelling towards Stretford. Eastbound traffic, away from Stretford, will follow a diversion and side roads leading to Wilbraham will be closed to facilitate traffic management. There’ll be Traffic Marshals in place to assist access for residents and deliveries.

Phase 2 – Barlow Moor Road to Egerton Road North


Works are due to commence on Monday 5 August, expected to take a week. Work will take place on site 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 5pm at weekends.

A one-way system will affect all traffic travelling westbound towards Stretford. Eastbound traffic, away from Trafford, will follow signed diversions. Side roads onto Wilbraham Road will be closed to facilitate traffic management. There’ll be Traffic Marshals in place to assist access for residents and deliveries.