Runners will take to Chorlton’s streets this October. Here’s what you need to know…

Manchester Half Marathon – Sunday 13th October 2024
In order to safely accommodate the expected 24,000 runners taking on the challenge of the Manchester Half Marathon on Sunday 13 th October, there are a number of road closures and parking restrictions that will be in place through the centre of Chorlton.
Wilbraham Road, (from Edge Lane, across the Four Banks junction as far as the junction with Corkland/Albany Roads)
Barlow Moor Road/Manchester Road, from Groby Road, northwards to the junction with Upper Chorlton Road
Parts of residential side roads which lead onto the main roads, including Brundretts, Whitelow, Oswald, Selbourne, Longford, Claridge, Mansfield, Kensington and Cheltenham Roads.
All will be closed from 7.30am to 4.oopm.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to visit the road closure section of the website frequently in the run up to the event weekend for the most up-to date information:
There is also a helpful interactive map available on the website which is designed to help businesses and residents to quickly locate information regarding their local area which includes: road closure times; vehicle crossing points; and parking restrictions.
A printable downloadable version of the course map and the road closures is also available on the website. A leaflet will be sent out to residents & businesses affected by road closures the w/c 26 th August over a 3-week period . Please keep an eye out for these and read in full. For enquiries which cannot be resolved with either information found on the website or within direct communications please email